Evolution & Attraction (Manifestation)

As I am creating this post, I have The Secret (DVD) playing in the background.

Abraham-Hicks is saying “I am a magnificent creator.”

Manuel Schoch said in his “Stillness & Love” workshop, I don’t have to become just evolve.

I have decided to commit to my evolution because it appears that I have not manifested certain things into my life.

So the question becomes do I want to manifest or do I want to attract things into my life?

What is the difference? Is there a difference?

It feels to me that the word attract has a more positive connotation than manifest. When I think of the word attract I am particularly attracted to the “draw” or rather the pull.

What comes to mind for me is the electronic push-pull principle. Using this principle as an analogy, I liken manifest to “push” and attract to “pull”. Manifest feels like I am commanding or “pushing” the Universe to bring something about in my life. Taking an egotistical approach rather than a respectful collaborative approach. Another significant point to consider is that, if I demand the Universe to manifest something in particular into my life, although I may have an idea of what I want, I may not know if this specific thing is for my highest good and greatest joy.

Spirit knows and wants to bring the best to me, if I trust, release, and let go.

I have a more favorable outlook on attract because drawing something to me seems non-aggressive and more respectful of the Universe but also means I want to be open and receptive to my good. I still want to do my part by (1) putting definition around my desire, (2) for my own good, get clear about my feelings around the desire and then (3) trust and allow the Universe to do what the Universe does best – bring me the best.

As I pose this question to myself, I ponder if the answer centers on how I apply my energy?

If I focus my energy on manifestation will I get more opportunities to focus on manifestation?
Or, conversely, if I focus my energy on shifting my feelings and thereby changing my vibration, I will attract what I want; actually bringing into my existence things, people, or situations that I really desire. We’ve heard the maxim, what you focus on, expands.

I desire prosperity; therefore I need to feel prosperous in order to attract prosperity.

As a result of my shift in feelings will I attract (draw) unto me my highest and best good?

Meanwhile, I pledge to do the following for myself, on the regular.

1) Tune-in. My evolution involves my tuning-in and being aware of what I am feeling, because my feelings are an indication of what I am vibrating. If I am feeling bad, anxious, or fear this translates into attracting more of the same.

2) Shift. Once I am aware of my feelings I can then choose to shift my feelings e.g. from despair to happiness, which will attract more happy people or happy situations to support my happiness.

I am reminded and recall what Rev. Ike has said, “it is the feeling that gets the blessing.”

What are your thoughts and feelings on attraction vs. manifestation?


  1. Where attention goes, power flows. You are infinitely powerful! Hugh

  2. Very interesting! I think the two go hand-in-hand. When you manifest change in yourself, or "push", the equal and opposite reaction occurs (the "pull" or attraction). Different things come your way, and the cycle continues. It's the awareness of the cycle that can make all the difference.

  3. Thank you, talkingsun, for leaving your comment. It is thought provoking and changes my perspective that it does not have to be "either" it can be "both" (push/pull). The cycle continues.

