I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.

“On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord.” President Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address, Tuesday, January 20, 2009.

I am in the right place: The National Mall, jumbotron #20 something, next to the National World War II Memorial. Approximately 2.8 miles from the U.S. Capitol.

At the right time: Tuesday, January 20th, Between approximately 9:00am and 1:00pm.

Doing the right thing: most certainly, witnessing the inauguration of our 44th President Barack Hussein Obama

I believe the affirmation not only applies to January 20th but to everyday. But January 20th is indelibly marked in my mind. This was/is an experience that impacted me to the core of my being because on so many levels I was transformed.

President Barack Obama said that we had gathered and chosen hope. Hope is that very powerful emotion that transitions you from contentment to optimism. Sometimes when I don’t believe, I can still hope. Hope moves me to better feeling thoughts and gives me a sense of relief. Sometimes I need that sense of relief to remobilize myself, to keep me going in-spite-of.

Hope is that faculty that says that no matter what those around you may believe, you can still hold your hopes and dreams in your heart.

President Obama, I believe, divinely adopted hope as a mantra throughout his campaign and as we know continued to implant in us hope and change when he addressed us on Tuesday, January 20th.

Here we are on the 2nd day of February 2009. What do you hope for? I would encourage you to schedule play-dates with your imagination and list widely and freely all your hopes, remove resistance and explore earth and heaven, physical and non-physical, expand your horizons and seek out that which keeps you riding the wave of life.

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